Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 4: The End is Near

Well its the last day of the conference, and the first time I've actually been able to connect to the internet. Elaine and Marcia are putting final touches to the podcast. We're in good shape. Sonja, unfortunately, is home with sick children and no babysitter. She has the movie and the standards done, she tried emailing them, but of course, the movie file is too big.
She said she'll try to get here by 11 a.m. If she can't make it, I could throw together some kind of a photostory but I don't have all the pics.

I'm please to be able to attend the Audacity breakout session today. I didn't have it loaded on my borrowed laptop, but Tammy S. got me going on that as well.

We are suddenly so relaxed. Elaine and Marcia have time to go to the IMAX movie.

Wonderful sweets from Elaine this a.m. Food has been too good here.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

MDMC2007 Day 3

Well, we really rocked today! Marcia and Elaine cut minutes off of the script. I did the narration and Marcia and Elaine worked on the Audacity editing. Al stopped by to give an additional 20 second sound bite that we really needed. By 4:00 we were 95% done. Elaine composed our lead in music, which she will add tonight.

In the mean time, Sonja attended breakout sessions on Movie Maker and Pinnacle that she found very helpful. She was feeling good about finishing the movie tonight. I thought she went out of her way to get extra pictures, including driving to the address where the original Sully Watson house once stood, to take a picture of what is there today. I'm eager to see the movie!

I think what really made a difference was that Tammy S. talked to us about what we needed to be doing. I had thought, (maybe we all did?) that we had to have pictures in our podcast --slideshow if not video. That was really what had me in a panic, because having enough pictures or timing them to our audio would have been difficult and time consuming. Audio only is so much easier.

All the pictures we were taking will be going to our movie. --That's easier too, I think. It's all downhill from here.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

MDMC2007 Day 2

The hectic pace continues, but progress was made. Mo took the lead on script writing, but we all added and edited it this morning. I personally, was thankful for the time to work. It was difficult to condense and edit the information. Mo suggested that we create a Wiki to edit collaboratively on line, but as 3 out of 4 of us could not get online, (bandwidth issues) we abandonned that idea. Tammy helped by providing a projector so that we could review and discuss together while one person did the editing. We worked feverishly, but even so, discussion and editing were time consuming and we finished our script at 11:59 a.m. --1 minute ahead of the 12 noon deadline.

After lunch we met again with Al. He had only had about 5 minutes to review the script and in the end, the script was abandonned for a rough question and answer outline. We now have about 10 minutes of audio that we have to condense down to 4 minutes or less. Something tells me we will be essentially re-writing the script again as we try to create something concise and professional.

Sonja attended the breakout sessions on Windows Movie Maker and Photostory and I attended the afternoon breakout session on Copyright. I thought I had a good grasp of copyright before attending, but was dismayed to find stricter guidelines than I had thought. Personnally, it has made me paranoid to add any kind of music or sound effects other than Garage Band or I-sounds, and since we are a PC and not a Mac group, that means we won't have much of anything for sound.

Because Marcia was the only one who had both a microphone, online access, and audacity up and running, the podcast was loaded on her machine. She has already done quite a lot of work by taking the lead on the script, and I hope she is not overburdened. I think we all want to work on the editing of the podcast but the logistics of sharing the files is difficult.

My anxiety level has gone down slightly, (did I mention that I'm a nail biting worrier type?) since we made progress today. But, I have to say, it's still a lot of work for such a short time. I'm usually very careful with my projects and writing--there just isn't enough time for that. (Ok, I'm whining!)

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