Day 1
Fear and Frustration
It's the first day of the Milwaukee Digital Media Conference 2007. In 4 days, my team and I will have produced a podcast, video and blog documenting our project. I'm fearful and overwhelmed by the expectations. We are supposed to have the script for our podcast tomorrow. It needs to be edited and documented. The expectations for quality are high.
It's a team project. It's always difficult to divide the work. I volunteered to blog and do video editing because I've done it before. So here I am blogging.
I had difficulty connecting to the wireless network and had to abandon my laptop for a borrowed one from the instructor. My frustration and anxiety level are already high. The most difficult task will be synthesizing the script. I've only now realized that by being the blogger, I did not attend the Audacity session, which is what I really wanted to learn.
Looking at the course outline - I think it would be wise to spend the entire morning tomorrow working on our script. We had so little time to discuss and it would be unfair to our scriptwriter to have her do everything. I'll try to sketch out my ideas and bring them in or email them to everyone - perhaps that will help.
Fear and Frustration
It's the first day of the Milwaukee Digital Media Conference 2007. In 4 days, my team and I will have produced a podcast, video and blog documenting our project. I'm fearful and overwhelmed by the expectations. We are supposed to have the script for our podcast tomorrow. It needs to be edited and documented. The expectations for quality are high.
It's a team project. It's always difficult to divide the work. I volunteered to blog and do video editing because I've done it before. So here I am blogging.
I had difficulty connecting to the wireless network and had to abandon my laptop for a borrowed one from the instructor. My frustration and anxiety level are already high. The most difficult task will be synthesizing the script. I've only now realized that by being the blogger, I did not attend the Audacity session, which is what I really wanted to learn.
Looking at the course outline - I think it would be wise to spend the entire morning tomorrow working on our script. We had so little time to discuss and it would be unfair to our scriptwriter to have her do everything. I'll try to sketch out my ideas and bring them in or email them to everyone - perhaps that will help.
Your fears are not alone. I agree that we need more time for the scripting. I hope we can meet early tomorrow before the first session begins to go over our script and brainstorm with everyone in the group.
I feel the frustration also. My computer started to act up during the Audacity session. It is running so slow, I'd be better off without having one. I am up tonight defraging the hard drive in hopes that the problem will be solved.
Fingers are crossed but we have terrific, creative team members to pull this project together.
In my initital playing around with the script I was trying to workin the education angle. But this main idea also emerged. More when I am fresher in the a.m.
Essential Question:
What drive’s migration?
Political storm (Safety)
Opportunity ( skill development employment, family and community)
The Watson’s migrated to WI from Virginia/ Ohio in the early 18__’s.
What Safety issued loomed over them?
Political unrest of the precivil war era
After working so hard to lift the yoke of slavery there was a possibility of being pulled back in.
What Opportunity was there for the Watsons in WI
FYI, the Watsons migrated from Virginia to Columbus OH in 1834. They left Ohio in 1850 arriving in Milwaukee in June. The Ohio to Milwaukee trip was overland by wagon as opposed to the more common schooner or steamer trip via the Great Lakes.
Why excellent question. Initially for the Watsons it was a case of obeying the law. Virginia mandated that newly freed black MUST leave the state or obtain a white person to sponsor them. Not always a simple thing to do.
Ohio to Milwaukee...Ohio was becoming less friendly to black people. From 1803 to the 1850s the Ohio legislature enacted a whole body of "black laws" that limited rights and personal growth. Too, there were a number of outbreaks of dread disease in Ohio in the late 1840s and, of course, the previous migration of a Watson family member to Milwaukee caused a desire to move and keep the family together. Another thing, William T. Watson, the oldest son, visited Milwaukee a few times and saw opportunity in owning property and having a business.
All bits to mull over...
Great thoughts and ideas. Your fears are very valid! I can only say that I will be with you along the way to assist in any way that I can. You are a very talented team and I did a lot of bragging during our instructor meeting last night. Hang in there--it will be worth it when there is a finished product.
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